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时间:2024-01-05 来源:http://www.jnadx.com/


The so-called tablecloth actually refers to a type of tablecloth laid on the dining table. The matching of tablecloth in hotel restaurants is also a big knowledge. The tablecloth in each hotel restaurant is different, and the different designs of tablecloth in restaurants also affect the different design styles of the restaurant. The quality and design style of tablecloth directly affect the overall style of the restaurant, thereby affecting the customer's evaluation of the restaurant, How to match hotel dining table fabrics? Let's see how the editor provides you with tips!

注重台布的面料搭配,塑料类台布颜色也比较单一,但是不环保,一般酒店餐厅好不要使用; 纺织类台布比较实用,一般以亚麻质地的为主这种台布不像传统的塑料台布颜色过于单一、暗沉,颜色和花型多样,易搭配多种装修风格,是软装璜不错的选择,而且其耐脏,易清洗,易携带,防油,防水,使用寿命长,不易褪色、掉色等等,是现代酒店餐厅中不错的台布选择。


Pay attention to the fabric matching of tablecloths. Plastic tablecloths also have a relatively single color, but they are not environmentally friendly. Generally, hotels and restaurants should not use them; Textile tablecloths are more practical, mainly made of linen texture. Unlike traditional plastic tablecloths, this type of tablecloth is not too monotonous and dark in color, with diverse colors and patterns, and is easy to match with various decoration styles. It is a good choice for soft decoration. Moreover, it is dirt resistant, easy to clean, easy to carry, oil resistant, waterproof, has a long service life, and is not easy to fade or fade, making it a good choice for tablecloths in modern hotels and restaurants.


We need to choose different tablecloths based on the different styles of various restaurants. Western style tablecloths give a more business feel, while checkered tables are a major category of Western style. For example, using green and white checkered tables to highlight the cleanliness and elegance of the restaurant. The use of yellow, white, orange, or pink checkered tablecloths will appear lively and warm, while Chinese restaurants generally appear more solemn. Choosing a bright red tablecloth will coordinate well with the overall restaurant environment.

根据场合搭配合适的台布 餐桌的台布也是有场合之分的,比如正式一些的宴会场合,要选择质感较好、垂坠感强、色彩较为素雅的桌布,显得大方,包容性强,让精致的餐具完全成为餐桌上的主角;而且般情况下酒店是一个众多人进餐的地方,而环境的色彩能影响人们就餐时的情绪,此我们一定要注意台布与整个餐厅环境的搭配。一般来说,以明朗轻快的色调为主,适合用的是橙黄色调。

According to the occasion, there are different types of tablecloths for dining tables. For example, for formal banquet occasions, it is important to choose tablecloths with good texture, strong drape, and elegant colors to appear generous and inclusive, making exquisite tableware the main corner of the dining table; Moreover, in general, hotels are places where many people dine, and the color of the environment can affect people's emotions during meals. Therefore, we must pay attention to the matching of the tablecloth with the entire restaurant environment. Generally speaking, bright and light tones are preferred, and orange yellow tones are suitable for use.


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