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时间:2023-03-16 来源:http://www.jnadx.com/

Hotel linen has gone through the process of production, packaging and transportation from production to hotel, so it is difficult to manage. Today, I will give you a detailed description of the management process of hotel linen.
1、 For linen inventory, clean and dirty linen shall be counted and handed over with the laundry (or internal laundry) every day, and both parties shall sign for approval.
2、 Cloth pollution, the so-called cloth pollution, comes from all aspects, including stains caused by guests during use; The phenomenon that the waiter does not pay attention to the stacking of linen in the process of replacing linen and cleaning the room, and even uses linen to clean the room will directly lead to the pollution of linen; Improper handling during transportation and handling may also cause pollution.
3、 Cloth washing, as most hotel linen is finished by delivery laundry (workshops), it is not known whether these workshops strictly prohibit the use of harmful phosphorous detergent according to the standard; Second, the social laundry and workshops may not only have business relations with the hotel, but may also sign washing contracts with hospitals and funeral homes. The hotel, hospital and funeral home linen can be washed in a mixed way, resulting in the quality of the hotel linen washing can not be guaranteed. All these factors are difficult problems in linen washing, and are not completely controlled by the hotel management.
4、 There are always disputes and unhappiness caused by linen consumption between the hotel and the laundry, because it is really difficult to control the definition of linen consumption. The hotel blames the laundry for the damaged linen. The laundry said that the damage was caused by the poor management of the hotel. It is really difficult to judge which is right or wrong.
5、 Cloth transportation is by no means a simple topic. Every detail and every step from cloth folding to cloth hanging need to be considered. Otherwise, it will lead to cloth wrinkling and stains during transportation.
In general, hotel linen mainly includes bedding, hotel towels, hotel decorative linen, etc. The arrangement of hotel rooms and the cleaning of hotel linen are one of the factors to ensure quality and hygiene. It is necessary to avoid direct contact of hotel linen with highly acidic or corrosive chemicals. For more use precautions, please visit our website http://www.jnadx.com consulting service