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时间:2023-03-15 来源:http://www.jnadx.com/

Some of the hotel linen will be sent to a professional washing plant for cleaning, while some hotels will have their own washing workshops. In fact, both the washing plant and the hotel itself need to wash a large amount of linen every day, which is bound to require a large amount of water and electricity resources to complete the heavy washing work. So is there any way to clean both clean and green?
Soak before washing
Soak the fabric before washing to make the detergent react with the dirt on the clothes, and then wash it. In this case, the running time of the hotel's bedsheet washing equipment can be reduced by about half while washing clothes, saving electricity.
Separate washing for different fabrics
According to the different fabrics, they should be washed separately. The fabrics of different colors and different kinds of fabrics should be washed separately. This can not only speed up the efficiency of the hotel bed sheet washing equipment, but also achieve the washing effect well to avoid dyeing.
Reasonable use of detergent
While washing clothes, we should not think that the more the better. In fact, this is not the case. We should add detergent reasonably according to the quantity of clothes. Too much detergent will cause rinsing pressure and increase workload.
Reasonable use of water consumption
Too much water will increase the water pressure of the wave plate, increase the burden of the motor and increase the power consumption; Too little water will affect the up-and-down movement of clothes during washing, increase washing time and increase power consumption.
Proper washing method
After washing clothes for the first time, the dirty water inside should be squeezed out, so that when the hotel bed linen washing equipment is rinsed for the second time, it can save time and energy.
Reuse of water resources
If there are other clothes to be washed when the clothes are drying, the water resources during dehydration can be collected in a large container for washing other clothes, because the water at this time is very clean and can continue to be used as washing water for washing clothes.
Moderate dehydration time
The running speed of the roller is about 1200 rpm when the bed linen washing equipment is dehydrated in the hotel, and the dehydration time is about 3 minutes when washing clothes. There is no need to dehydrate for a longer time, and the long time will not make a big difference. Moreover, the long time dehydration is a waste of electric energy when running at high speed.
The labor-saving and environment-friendly linen washing method has been explained from the above. If you have any doubts or needs, please feel free to contact us http://www.jnadx.com !