

您当前位置: 首页>>资讯中心水洗酒店布草的注意事项


时间:2023-01-12 来源:http://www.jnadx.com/

When delivering the linen to the washing plant, the hotel must strictly follow such a set of requirements to require the relevant hotel linen washing plant to treat it seriously, including the following four aspects.
1. Don't soak the linen for long. According to the test, the dirt in the clothing fiber will effectively penetrate after being soaked in water for about 14 minutes. At this time, it is easy to clean it. If it is soaked for too long, it will take more time and effort to wash it.
2. Don't overdo detergent. Laundry powder can only show its proper surface activity at a certain concentration. If it is too thick, the decontamination ability will be weakened.
3. Do not add detergent during washing. Adding washing powder during washing will only make the washing powder dissolve in the dirty water and lose its due effect.
4. Do not mix soap and detergent. Laundry powder is alkaline, and soap is weakly acidic. The combination of the two can produce neutralization reaction, but can not achieve the purpose of decontamination.
In addition, when all new linen is washed for the first time, there may be slight floating on the surface, which is a normal phenomenon. The floating will fall off automatically after several times of washing. In order to ensure that the whiteness of linen is not affected, all new linen cannot be mixed with old linen for washing.
The new cloth should be watered before use, and the pure white cotton cloth should be watered, and the temperature should be controlled below 50 ℃ (otherwise wrinkles will occur). For pure white linen with color stripes, the water temperature shall be controlled below 37 ℃ (otherwise the whiteness will be affected by dyeing).
The precautions for washing the hotel linen have been explained. The above points are expected to help you. Please come to our website for more details http://www.jnadx.com Ask!