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时间:2024-08-28 来源:http://www.jnadx.com/


  Most hotels and restaurants use white as the main color for their guest room linens, so hotel staff attach great importance to the whiteness of guest room linens. If only bleaching is used, only a certain degree of whiteness can be obtained. However, upon careful observation, you will find that there will still be light yellow or brown on the linens. This is mainly due to the fabric itself absorbing a small amount of blue light from natural light. Therefore, to achieve an ideal whiteness of the fabric, regular and quantitative whitening of the linens can be carried out. So, how can white linen shine like new?



  The purpose of bleaching


  There are two main purposes of bleaching during the washing process. One is to remove the residual dirt on the fabric that needs to be removed through oxidation or reduction, so as to achieve the original color of the fabric itself; The second is to enhance the whiteness and brightness of white and colored fabrics, making their colors brighter and more vibrant.


  During the washing process, fabrics such as towels, bed sheets, tablecloths, etc. undergo washing, pre washing, and main washing processes. With reasonable program feeding, water-soluble dirt, oil soluble dirt, and certain solid dirt can generally be removed. However, for some pigment based dirt that can only be removed through oxidation and reduction, conventional washing cannot completely remove it. A bleaching program must be set up during the washing process to achieve complete removal of the dirt.


  Time for bleaching


  The duration of the bleaching process is related to the release time of the bleaching agent. At the ideal bleaching temperature and ideal pH of the washing solution (pH 10.5), the bleaching agent is almost uniformly dissolved in the washing solution when added for one minute. At this point, the effective chlorine is released uniformly, and the chlorine is basically released within 6-8 minutes. At this point, the concentration of effective chlorine in the solution is 10ppm. The effective chlorine content during drainage should be less than 10ppm, so extending the bleaching time after the effective chlorine is released is no longer effective.


  Bleaching temperature


  During the bleaching process, temperature is crucial for the bleaching effect. The choice between oxygen bleaching and chlorine bleaching in the bleaching process can be based on the characteristics and color of the bleached fabric.


  The temperature during bleaching is very important for chlorine bleaching. Increasing the temperature of the bleaching solution can improve the bleaching speed and shorten the bleaching time. In general, increasing the bleaching temperature by 10 ℃ can shorten the bleaching time by twice. If chlorine bleach is used for bleaching, the bleaching temperature is generally chosen below 65 ℃, otherwise it will cause the fabric to become dirty and yellow, and the fastness will decrease. If using oxygen bleach, it is better to choose 70 ℃ to 90 ℃.


  The pH value of bleaching


  The pH value of the float bath has a significant impact on fabric fastness damage. When the pH value of the float bath is neutral at 7, the damage to the fabric is more severe. Under acidic conditions, the bleaching speed of the bleaching bath is very fast, but it can cause serious damage to the fibers, and it is not recommended to use it under normal circumstances. The optimal pH value for using chlorine bleaching is around 10.2-10.5. In this case, the bleaching speed is average, but the damage to the fibers is minimal. Generally, the main washing and rinsing can be designed to be carried out simultaneously to maintain the pH value and achieve the bleaching effect.


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