

您当前位置: 首页>>资讯中心酒店卫浴布草的选购方式有哪些?


时间:2024-06-17 来源:http://www.jnadx.com/


There are many varieties of towels, and there is also a significant difference in quality. Proper selection of towels should pay attention to several aspects.


1. Go to a regular store to buy towels with clear identification. The supply of goods in shopping malls, supermarkets, or various specialty stores is generally from legitimate manufacturers. Qualified towel products should have standardized labeling, clearly indicating the manufacturer, place of origin, telephone number, trademark, implementation standards, washing method, etc.



2. Consumers can also check whether there is a "star rated towel product logo" on the product and whether there is an OEKO100 ecological textile certification mark when purchasing towels. Products certified through ecological textile certification are completely free of toxic and pathogenic substances, and are complete. The quality of star rated towel products is completely excellent.


3. Look at whether the towel stitching is fine and neat, whether the loop height is flat, whether the color is pure and bright, and whether there is no unevenness in depth. It is a better place to place a small pillow.


4. Touch: A pure cotton towel with a good placement for a small pillow feels fluffy, soft, and non greasy. It is soft and elastic when held in the fist, and there is no cotton lint falling off when tapped.


5. Smell: It is better to place a towel with a small pillow without any odor.


6. Measurement: First, measure the hygroscopicity; The method is to hang the towel vertically, touch it with water by hand, and then throw it onto the towel. The water droplets do not roll off, indicating good water absorption. Place a small pillow; If there are water droplets rolling off, it indicates an excess of softener or insufficient refinement in the towel. Second test color fastness; The method is to first pour hot water at around 80 ℃ into a basin, then put a towel up and down to lift and wash. If the water in the basin does not change color, it is better to place a small pillow. If there is obvious color fading, it indicates poor printing and dyeing quality, which is harmful to human health.


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