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时间:2024-05-10 来源:http://www.jnadx.com/


What issues should be noted during the use of linen?


Precautions for New Linen Watering


1. The water temperature of the new linen should be controlled below 50 ℃ before use.

  2、纯白、彩色布草洗涤,过水温度控制在37 ℃以下。

2. Wash pure white and colored linen with a water temperature controlled below 37 ℃.


3. It is normal for new linen to have slight fluff during initial washing, and the fluff will automatically fall off after multiple washes.


4. In order to ensure that the whiteness of the linen is not affected, all new linen cannot be mixed with old linen for washing


The bedding of hotel linen is very important for the hotel, providing customers with clean and healthy bedding can make them feel comfortable and at ease.


Daily washing precautions for linen


1. Before washing, remove the hotel linen decorations and choose a washing temperature of ≤ 40 ℃;


2. Soak the hotel linen in water for a few minutes before washing, and the time should not be too long to prevent the color of the hotel linen from being damaged; Please note that pure cotton hotel linen with sweat stains should not be soaked in hot water to prevent yellowing of the linen;


3. After rinsing, there is no need to use a lot of water when not rinsing, but it should be washed several times. Each rinse needs to be wrung dry, which will improve the washing quality of hotel linen;


4. Hotel linen, regardless of the type of fabric, should not be exposed to direct sunlight to avoid damaging the dyeing and fabric. It should be air dried on the opposite side in a well ventilated and cool place;



5. When ironing, the higher the temperature, the better. It is important to adjust the ironing temperature based on the properties of the hotel linen material. Generally, the ironing temperature is below 110 ℃.


6. Do not mix and wash: Bleached fabrics should not be mixed with colored fabrics for washing, as it may cause dyeing of bleached fabrics.


7. Washing temperature: Wash with soft water below 50ppm, with a washing temperature not higher than 60 ℃. It is recommended to use liquid chemicals.


8. Avoid contact with chemicals: When using oxygen bleach and detergent together, such as chlorine bleach, soak the linen before use to avoid contact with strong acidic, alkaline, and corrosive chemicals.

  9、顽固污渍处理方法 :顽固污渍先用40 ℃温水加相应的去污剂浸泡1-2小时。彩色布草禁止使用氯漂剂。

9. Treatment method for stubborn stains: Soak stubborn stains in 40 ℃ warm water and corresponding detergent for 1-2 hours. The use of chlorine bleach is prohibited for colored linen.

  10、分类洗涤 :将新/旧、全棉/涤棉布草、毛巾分类洗涤。

10. Sorted washing: Wash new/old, all cotton/polyester linen, and towels separately.


Linen collection and storage


1. If linen needs to be stored for a long time, please notify the laundry factory.


2. Thoroughly water the linen to avoid the residue of chemical agents.


3. Iron and dry to 100% dryness (about 80% dryness in normal use) to prevent yellowing and mold from occurring during long-term storage.


4. Classify the old and new hotel linens, distinguish between natural and abnormal damages, and ensure that the strength and dehydration time of the old and new hotel linens vary;


5. Avoid direct contact between cotton fabrics and chemicals with strong acidity or corrosiveness;


6. Be careful during the conveying process of guest room linen to prevent secondary pollution and accidental breakage.

本文内容来自:酒店布草 如果您想了解更多关于本行业知识请认准:http://www.jnadx.com,欢迎您的到来!

The content of this article comes from: Hotel Linen. If you want to learn more about this industry, please read: http://www.jnadx.com Welcome to come!