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时间:2023-03-22 来源:http://www.jnadx.com/

Cloth washing in hotels and hotels is a large quantity and high-quality work. It is not only necessary to thoroughly wash away the dirt on the cloth, but also to pay attention to extending the service life of the hotel cloth. To achieve ideal results, scientific washing methods and reasonable washing procedures must be adopted.
Flush water
Its purpose: First, to moisten the linen, make the fabric fibers expand, facilitate the washing away of dirt, and facilitate the removal of dirt; The second is to use the action of water and mechanical force to flush as much water-soluble dirt from the washed linen as possible to reduce the consumption of detergent in the process. This process does not require any agent material, but only uses the flushing process to achieve the goal, which is crucial for subsequent steps and reducing washing costs.
At present, many laundry rooms do not have flushing facilities, or believe that flushing is only used to wet the linen, so the linen is drained just after it is soaked. In fact, the linen is not fully soaked at this time, which cannot achieve the purpose of flushing to remove water-soluble dirt on the linen and adsorbed dirt on the surface. Therefore, it is not advisable to not flush or only soak the linen.
The water level for flushing should be medium. It has been proved through practice that although the water volume at high water levels is more sufficient, the mechanical action generated by the rotation of the washing machine drum will be weakened by too much water, which cannot form sufficient water impact, affecting the flushing effect. If the medium water level is selected, the impact force of the water can be increased, and the mechanical effect of the drum can be better played. Therefore, it is advisable to use a medium water level for "flushing", with a flushing time of 2-3 minutes.
Temperature of water
It is advisable to set it at 30 ℃ to 40 ℃. If the water temperature is too low, the fabric fiber expansion is not obvious, which is not conducive to removing dirt. If the water temperature is too high, some dirt will be consolidated on the cloth. For example, dirt containing protein can deteriorate and coagulate under the action of excessive temperature, making it quite difficult to remove it. The number of flushes is 1-2.
That's all about the hotel linen flushing and water temperature control standards. I hope you can help me. For more information, please come to our website http://www.jnadx.com Consult and understand!