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时间:2023-01-04 来源:http://www.jnadx.com/

Every new hotel has unpleasant formaldehyde. Imagine that if you happen to be a person living in a shop, you will feel very uncomfortable when you smell strong formaldehyde smell while sleeping, and it will be beneficial to your health. Very worried. Therefore, other problems can be ignored, but the problem of formaldehyde cannot be ignored. So, why does hotel linen contain formaldehyde?
Formaldehyde is found in textiles because of its wrinkle resistance and color stability. But the relationship between bedding and people is very close, which seems to be a very terrible problem. Even though we know that bedding will be purified in the manufacturing process, we are still worried about formaldehyde in bedding. So, how should we greatly reduce the harm of formaldehyde in bedding to health? In procurement, we must "ask around" to prevent formaldehyde damage by reducing the contact with formaldehyde at the source and making careful choices when purchasing.
Please refer to the category, because formaldehyde can be used as an anti wrinkle agent for textiles, so it is an anti wrinkle agent, anti wrinkle agent, softener, and should be careful to choose soft hotel linen. Odor and formaldehyde are highly irritating and can smell a lot. Therefore, if the product emits some odor, please be careful, there may be formaldehyde residues.
When choosing the color and the color of hotel linen, it is better to choose light color, which can greatly reduce the risk of formaldehyde and other harmful substances exceeding the standard. Select a reputable supplier. Manufacturers with good reputation usually pass quality inspection and user testing, and the risk of formaldehyde exceeding the standard is relatively low.
Please do some special treatment when using the new hotel linen. Of course, no bedding is completely formaldehyde free. Therefore, when using bedding, we must deal with it. Completely clean. New fabrics often have high formaldehyde content, so they can be fully soaked and washed in clean water before use to reduce the residual formaldehyde content on the fabric.
After cleaning, it can be placed outdoors for air drying. Long term drying in ventilated areas can greatly reduce formaldehyde content. Put green plants indoors to absorb formaldehyde. Cactus, green radish and other green plants can effectively absorb formaldehyde in the air to purify the air.
You can place as many flower pots as possible in each corner of the room. The comfort of hotel linen has a great impact on the business development of the hotel, so you cannot underestimate these small problems! In addition to cleaning the new hotel linen, it also removes odor (formaldehyde). Come to our website for more information about linen http://www.jnadx.com Consult!